Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Live Acts of Pinterest: Mistletoes

Another holiday gift to share with you!  We usually give money to Ed's sisters for Christmas, but I wanted to make it a little more fun this year.

You may have found a printable floating around Pinterest for this one.  I wanted to do things the hard way, though, and rubber stamped each individual letter!  Actually, I just have a TON of these neat manilla tags and thought they'd be perfect to use for this project.

 A closer look.  Admittedly not perfect. I was going for that 'rustic' look.  It's the thought that counts, right girls?

I embellished each tag with a couple of rows of red star stitching on my sewing machine(my very favorite stitch!), and added a little pouch made of wrapping paper on the back to hold their money.  This would make a really cute gift for a Secret Santa exchange!  You might want to pin it for next year :) 

