Friday, July 27, 2012

A wadder no more!

Friends, you may remember this little post I did back in March about a couple of my sewing projects that had gone badly.  Well, I managed to save one of them!

Simplicity 2029.  In my last post, I mentioned that it still seemed too big after taking it in by an inch and that the neckline was weird.  No more!  I took it up by 1/2" in the shoulders, which helped the neckline problem quite a bit.  Still, even after that little change, there was something off about it...

...which led me to change the way I was using the ties.  This top is technically supposed to be tied at the back.  I'm not really a fan of back ties on myself.  They tend to look a little...maternity.  Nothing against maternity clothing or those who are currently pregnant, it's just that I am NOT pregnant.  So, I decided to try tying a bow in the front.  Voila!  A top that is about 20 times cuter than before.

I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out after my tweaks, and even more pleased that I managed to finish it in time to wear while there's still some summer left.   


  1. that is so cute!!! what a flattering top, too. love it, anna! :)

    1. Thanks Lora! I'm so glad I could salvage it.

  2. This look great!!! I need to get into sewing again. Hopefully sometime this fall!

  3. You're a busy girl! Maybe you could start up again with a small project.

